The American College of Clinical Pharmacy Pain and Palliative Care Practice and Research Network (ACCP PPC PRN) membership is comprised primarily of clinical pharmacy specialists, researchers, educators, students, residents, and fellows. The mission of the ACCP PPC PRN is to advance pain and palliative care related pharmacy practice, advocacy, education and treatment including safe and effective opioid use. Its objectives are to: (1) Provide a supportive network for all pharmacists with patient care concerns in pain and palliative care. (2) Provide quality education for pharmacists students, and those in postgraduate training. (3) Build leadership skills in young practitioners by encouraging their involvement in this PRN. (4) Provide an information source and expertise for outside organizations seeking expert opinions for publications or public policy. To achieve this, the ACCP PPC PRN has formed three committees:
Education Committee: plan PRN Focus Session and any other additional CE
2022-2023 Membership
- Chair: Jessica Emshoff
- Past Chair: Thomas Gregory
- Members: Nancy Love, Amanda Williams
Scholarship and Mentorship Committee: coordinate the Student/Resident Mentorship Program; evaluate candidates and select winners for annual student and resident travel awards
2021-2023 Membership
- Chair: Megan Carr
- Past Chair: Alex Ebied
- Members: Hannah Denham, Nancy Love
Membership Committee: create opportunities for membership engagement, including but not limited to annual membership survey and management of PRN social media
2022-2023 Membership
- Chair: Madison Irwin
- Past Chair: Nadia Jubran
- Member: Craig Yon
We welcome new members to the PRN as we continue to expand our efforts.